Searching changes
- The catalog now makes automatic suggestions as you type in your search, similar to Google. To use one of the suggested searches, just scroll down to it & click.
- The advanced search screen has been streamlined and simplified.
- When books in your search results are part of a series, it will show in your search results screen. Previously, you had to bring up more details about an item before it showed this information.
- The author's name in your search results is now a clickable link that will take you to the author browse list. Click the name there, and it will take you to a list of everything in the system by that author.
- You can now text call number information to your cellphone from the catalog. Simply click the cellphone graphic that appears when you check the item's availability. Enter the information in the box that pops up (if you are logged in and have this information in your account already, this will be filled in for you) and click send. You can do this from home and have a list of items to pick up right on your cellphone when you get to the library!
Part 3, covering the mobile catalog, is coming soon!