Thursday, December 29, 2016

Additional Storytime Added

We have added an additional Preschool Storytime, aimed at children ages 3 to 5, on Thursdays at 3:00 pm. The first program will be January 5.

This program will duplicate the 10:00 am Preschool Storytime and will offer an entertaining lineup of children's stories and an animated short film, followed by a fun and easy craft project that children can make and take home.

Our storytimes don't require registration, but if you have any questions please call our Children's Department at 813-749-1179.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Overcoming Clutter workshop

Is "get organized" on your list of New Year's Resolutions?  We have a program that can help with that!
Overcoming Clutter Workshop
Thursday, January 5
6:30 pm-7:30 pm

Clutter can be paralyzing. Whether you’re surrounded by loose paper, dirty dishes, memorabilia, laundry, or any other form of clutter, it can negatively impact your health and your relationships with others.

This presentation will teach you effective techniques to become more organized, reduce stress, and have more time to do the things you enjoy!

Presented by Dani Brahm of Simply Refreshing Organizing Solutions. No registration needed.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Little Free Library #2

We're pleased to announce that our second Little Free Library has been installed at the Environmental Education Center at Mobbly Bayou Wilderness Preserve on Lafayette Boulevard. We'd especially like to thank our artists Janet Gurney and Library Assistant Nancy Verderosa.

A Little Free Library is a free book exchange where users are encouraged to "take a book, leave a book". Library staff will fill the library initially & check it periodically, but all are welcome to help make sure it's stocked.

The box was paid for by the Friends of the Oldsmar Library.  Our first Little Free Library is still in front of Cypress Forest Recreation Center, and you can see pictures of it here.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

New-Community Poetry Post

The new Arts Coordinator for the City of Oldsmar is working on a fun new project for the Library! Please read the note below from Samantha to see how you can contribute:
Poetry has the visceral power to deeply touch our lives. When given proper attention, it can shake us out of our waking-sleep and into a precious moment of inspiration. The Community Poetry Post is an exciting new project designed to allow the community to be heard through poetry.

For the month of November, you are invited to send poems to the Post containing strong elements of gratitude. The poetry you choose to submit could be written by an acclaimed poet or something you have written yourself. 

To submit, email the poem(s) to

The Post is a bulletin located in the Oldsmar Public Library’s arcade, so please choose poems that are family-friendly and feel free to stop by and see what others have chosen to share. I am excited to see what you send my way!

S. Demmi

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Zombie Survival program for Teens in October!


Have you ever thought about a zombie apocalypse? 
Has the idea of brain eating monsters coming into your house kept you up at night? 
Well, fear no more!

The library is going to have a zombie survival training class for the first three Tuesdays in October (4, 11 and 18) from 6-7pm. Learn how to get your bug out bags ready, take a first aid class and do some target practice so you are prepared for the outbreak. 

On Friday October 21 from 6-7:30 pm we will be clearing out the library of any zombie infestation.

Must pre-register, so call to join us! For teens in grades 6-12. Space is limited 813-749-1179

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Remembering Florida's Fallen exhibit

We will be hosting the Remembering Florida's Fallen Photo Exhibit in our Library Arcade from Saturday, September 17 - Friday, September 30. There will be a ribbon cutting ceremony at 4:30 pm on Saturday, September 24.  The ribbon cutting will be open to the public, and the display will be available for viewing during regular hours for the rest of the week.

The exhibit  honors Florida servicemen & women who have lost their lives through service to their country since 2001. You can read more about the national mission here: Remembering Our Fallen Project

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Call for Local Authors

Are you a published local book author looking to share your work with the community? Apply to take part in our Local Author Showcase!  This free public event will be sponsored by the Friends of the Oldsmar Library.

The Showcase will be at the Library on Thursday, September 22 at 7 pm.​ Selected authors will be expected to arrive at 6:30 prepared to​ do a brief (​8 to 10​ minute) presentation on their work and to provide books which they can sell and sign afterwards.

There is no cost, but space is very limited! Please contact Heidi at 813-749-1179 if interested or for more information.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Family Network on Disabilities Workshops

Are you a parent or caregiver of a special needs public school student? If so, these free workshops are for you! Come learn about these topics & have your questions answered:

Individual Education Plans & Related Services
Friday, August 26, 10:00 - 11:00 am

Parent/Teacher Collaboration & the Evaluation Process
Wednesday, August 31, 6:00 - 7:00 pm

Both workshops will be in our Rotary Literacy/Conference Room.

No registration needed, but for more information please contact Misti Pollaro at 727-523-1130 x 211 or

Family Network on Disabilities (FND) was founded in 1985 by a group of parents of children with disabilities who came together for mutual support and information-sharing. FND is a grassroots organization for persons with disabilities and their families that is family-centered and family-driven.

Family Network on Disabilities is a national network of individuals of all ages who may be at-risk, have disabilities, or have special needs and their families, professionals, and concerned citizens. The mission of FND is to strive for the complete integration and equality of persons with disabilities in a society without barriers and to serve families of children with disabilities, ages birth through 26, who have the full range of disabilities described in section 602(3) of IDEA. FND is a parent organization as defined in section 671(a)(2) of IDEA 2004.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Ukulele Classes in May & June

The Tampa Bay Ukulele Society will be hosting two beginner/advanced beginner workshops for adults and teens  in the upcoming weeks.

The first will be a Beginner Class on Tuesday, May 17th from 6:30 to 7:45 followed on Tuesday, June 14th by an Advanced Beginner Class from 6:30 to 7:45.

In the beginner workshop you will learn about different sizes of ukulele as well as how to hold, tune, strum & play a few chords. You'll learn to play two songs & receive information on where to go for further lessons.

If you have a ukulele, please bring it! TBUS will also have a limited number available to use during the workshops.

No registration is needed, but if you like you can pre-register at

You can keep up with the TBUS on their website or Facebook page.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

New Catalog System

Library Cooperative Moving to New Online Catalog and Checkout System

The Pinellas County Public Libraries are pleased to announce their change to a new online catalog effective Thursday, March 24, 2016. The new online catalog and checkout system, supported by SirsiDynix, will continue to provide many familiar features and will offer new options for member libraries.

This transition will take place from March 21 through March 24. Over these few days, access to the catalog and patron account information will be interrupted. Patrons will need their library cards in order to check out materials. Library staff will be unable to check in materials, place or fill holds, accept payments or renew materials.

Access to some of the libraries’ databases and electronic resources may also be interrupted during this period.

Loan periods for materials normally due during this period will automatically be extended, so patrons will be able to enjoy materials for a little longer than usual while library staff get up and running on the new system.

Links to the new catalog will be available on March 25; patrons who have saved a link to the current catalog on their personal devices will need to delete the old link and update it. Library patrons will keep their current library cards and passwords.  Patrons will be able to search the catalog, place requests, and enjoy full account access.

Please remember, the Oldsmar Library will be closed on March 25 as we train staff on using this new system.

If you have any questions regarding the transition to the new system, please contact the Library.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Oldsmar Book Display

Books & DVDS  about  Oldsmar, Pinellas County, the Tampa Bay area and Florida are available for check-out with your PPLC library card. The display is located in the Reference/Adult Services area of the library.

Find more books in our Florida Collection - located in non-fiction FL 001.9 - FL 976 and online from the Library's  History link  

Reference books are also available for use in the library only - please ask at the Reference help desk

Friday, January 22, 2016

Living to be 100

As part of our People's Centennial, Dr. Michael Turner of Conforti Chiropractic is presenting a series of monthly programs to help you live to reach your own centennial!

All programs will be in TECO Hall from 6:30 pm to 8 pm, and no registration is needed.  Here's a schedule:

  • Thursday, March 10 - Topic:Nutrition
  • Thursday, April 7 - Topic: Fitness
  • Thursday, May 5 - Topic: Living to be 100
We hope you enjoy this series of programs to help you increase your health & longevity!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Familiar Faces in New Places at the Library

The start of the new year was also the start of a new direction for Library Director Roberta Weber, whose retirement began on January first. Children’s Librarian Susan Hurley, who began working at the Oldsmar Library in 2004 as a Library Assistant in Circulation, is now the new Library Director. 

Taking over in the Children’s Department is Anthony Casale, who has worked in the Circulation Department for the past two years, and was a volunteer at the library before that. Both are eagerly looking forward to their new roles and responsibilities at the library. 

All of us at the library hope 2016 is starting off well for everyone, and we look forward to all of the exciting changes and new programs we are having this year at the Oldsmar Library!