We are hosting our first (hopefully not last!) Back to School Freecycle Event! Freecycling is giving away unwanted but still usable things to help keep items out of landfills.
Here's how it will work:
- Beginning on July 22, bring your clean, gently used clothes & wearable accessories (hats, shoes, purses, etc) for kids from babies to teens to the Oldsmar Library
- We're also accepting small childrens toys and school supplies
- Please leave them with a staff member, and remember...NO UNDERGARMENTS!
- We're accepting donations until Thursday, August 8
- Staff will sort donations and have items out for FREE on Friday, August 9 and Saturday, August 10 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
- Don't have anything to donate? That's OK, you can still come and "shop" for what you need!
Bring what you can - take what you need!
Anything left over will be donated to Oldsmar Cares.
Special thanks to the New Port Richey Public Library for the idea & for helping us get started!
Questions? Give us a call or email at 813-749-1181 information@oldsmarlibrary.org
Thanks for your support. Let's work together to make this a success!!