Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Hi Everyone! Summer Reading Program (SRP) for 2009 will soon be here, and Miss Susan, Miss Holly and I are working feverishly to come up with cool and fun stuff to do over the eight weeks of the Oldsmar Library's SRP!
This year's themes are "Be Creative @ your Library" for the younger kids;
and "Express Yourself @ your Library" for the Teens-ages 11 and up.

I must say, I am muy excited about this summer! We have come up with some really neat ideas, and are going to be doing some cool stuff!
For example, the Teens will be having their own Teen Coffee House, where they can Be Creative in a variety of ways, like story telling and poetry readings on "open mike" night; Or, book and movie reviews and discussions. All whilst imbibing delectable brewed beverages! (Like coffees, or teas!)

They will be creating stories in collage, making mosaics and digital photography. Plus, they will be acting in, and videotaping, their own book "commercials" and an actual "Mystery Play" that Miss Holly and I have written!

The results of all this creativity will be displayed for all to see on Saturday, August 15th, at the "End of Summer Reading Art Exhibit"!

Now doesn't that sound like fun?!? I think so!
Oh, and of course we will be reading books too, with weekly prize drawings!

Watch our website for more program information, and for the registration dates and times coming up in June! BTW, our new website address is now

Happy reading!

Miss Heidi :)

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