Looking for ways to be more ‘green’? Trying to figure
out why your power bill is so high? Let the Oldsmar Library help you at no
cost to you!
Another item available for check out is the thermal leak
detector. We have these up at the Circulation Desk and you can take one home
today. This is a tool that can really help you save money! Ever notice your AC
doesn’t turn off? It seems like it’s been running all day but it's still really
hot, or maybe it's freezing? I know where I was living at one point in time I
could stand outside by one of my windows and feel the AC blowing. That
was before we had these handy detectors!
It’s really very simple to use. It’s an infrared laser that
you point along places where a leak would be:
moldings, windows, doors, and ductwork. Once you do this, the detector will
change colors, giving you feedback, telling you where you should caulk
or insulate. Once you get everything all patched up you will notice a
difference, and you won’t be providing AC for the entire neighborhood!